Your Success Story: Your American Dream
by Emahn James

The American Dream, solidified by its inability to be captured, it is this ideal that looms over the aspirations of many. So close do we often find ourselves to be within the realms of success but, we allow these accomplishments to be devalued due to their inability to be measured by the status of a capitalistic culture.
In its essence "The American Dream" is freedom. It is the ability to go forth into this world and sculpt it to be representative of all populations, not just the dominating few.
You Must Persist
It is this cycle that perpetuates the notion that our ventures can not meet the qualifications established to define success. Held captive by fears of failure or inadequacy many of us abandon our dreams.
However, the power that fuels our fear is combated by our motivations.
Our desire to set goals and achieve them is far greater than the fear of falling short. Every step we take towards bettering ourselves, our businesses, our lives chips away at the severity of failure. As we gain momentum, we begin to define our success for ourselves and in that definition we find that our dreams are attainable.We are living in our success story should we choose to walk the path.
In its essence "The American Dream" is freedom. It is the ability to go forth into this world and sculpt it to be representative of all populations, not just the dominating few. For this simplified reason it is imperative, in this moment above all, that we do not allow our accomplishments to be diminished. That we do not allow the disappointments exacerbated by the sacrifices committed in the name of progress to go fruitless. We must forge on to make the ever elusive "American Dream" a reality for the many and not just the few. We must persist, we must pursue, and through the pressure we must strive on because what hurts more than failing is never trying at all. So, not matter where you find yourselves today, never give up the pursuit of "Your American Dream".